Naturalmente 84, Artesanías por Ivette Marie Serrano
Hello, I am a jewelry artisan since 2006. I never take a class to do this. I just tend to think outside the box and color outside the lines. My creations are distinctive in style just for make you feel and look very unique. I love playing with color, texture and what is telling me the materials, specially the wire. I like to use aluminum, copper and silver wire. Also I love to use sea glass and the most beautiful beads and seeds from my town. I also receive inspiration of the Free Bohemian Style, Funky Style, Gypsy Style, Eclectic Style and a touch of Old Hollywood Glamour Style. My love of nature, passion for the arts and spirit for life pours through each design. I love to create, to use my God-given talent in order to bring beauty, light and inspiration to the world.
El Mito sobre la creación del mar
Powerful stones
Stones with natural holes, or holey stones are said to possess powerful protective energy. Worn or carried, it would ward off evil spirits and protect the wearer from harm. Stones were hung from bedposts to prevent nightmares. If a stone broke, it was thought to have used its power to protect a life. These powerful stones are also reputed to bestow the gift of psychic sight upon anyone looking through the hole in the stone.
Final scene from Wong Kar-Wai's 'In the Mood for Love'. Set in Cambodia to Micahel Galasso's 'Angkor Wat Theme
Con Sabor a Pepino
Conjunto de semillas
Las camándulas
La palabra camándula se refiere a un rosario que tiene 33 granos, uno por cada año que vivió Jesús. Fue el padre Miguel de Camaldolí (una villa de italiana cerca de Florencia) quién lo diseñó en el 1516. Camándula viene del nombre de esa villa. Ese diseño también es conocido por “Salmos Penitenciales” o “La Corona del Salvador y consiste en 33 avemarías, 5 padrenuestros y un credo. Camaldoli podría venir de una orden de monjes ermitaños fundada por San Romualdo (951-1027) en esa villa en 1012, es decir, sería una fusión entre “Campus Romuald” y “Campo Romualdo”.
Conjunto en semillas de Puerto Rico